"Si la conduite au bord de l'espoir, et à la fosse de désespoir, accorde-moi la grâce de tomber dans Ses Bras." translated from a Puritan Prayer... "If driven to the verge of hope, and to the pit of despair, grant me the grace to fall into His arms."

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A "Super" Day for Fellowship and Worship in Arlington!

     On Sunday, February 5th, the Russell's home group will worship with the Church of Abundant Life in Arlington. If you'd like to catch a ride in Flower Mound, meet at the Walls' home @ 8:30 a.m. Worship begins at 9:30, in case you are planning to meet us there.

     Bring an appetizer or snack to share with the members of the church after service for a time of fellowship. (fruit salad, veggie tray w/ dip, breads, crackers and cheese, pasta salad, etc.)

This group of loving, joy-filled people will put an extra measure of "SUPER" in your Superbowl Sunday!

Church of the Abundant Life
1516 S. Center St.
Arlington, TX 76010