It was a great blessing to attend the joyous occasion of
Christ Amaria's dedication to the Lord.
There was singing, dancing, special prayers and scripture, and afterwards,
delicious home-cooked food, Ivorian-style.
Congratulations to Simon and Viviane!
Your beautiful little blessing from God will surely be a blessing to others.
May she be strong in the Lord and bring many people
to Christ through the way she lives her life for Him.
Pastor Lepohe praying for blessings
Simon singing a special song chosen for this occasion
Amaria looking at her Mommy with love

The honored guest.. Miss Christ Amaria!
We were privaleged to hear visiting Pastor Moussa,
from the Ivory Coast, teach from God's Word, as
Pastor Lepohe translated his words into English.

Baby David and his mom, Olga
David, another new baby in the congregation,
welcomes Amaria. A new generation is rising up!
Henriette Dimbo, dancing with praise to our God
David's big brother, Emmanuel
So happy that Marceline was able to hold Amaria
before she went to be with the Lord.

A little extra love from Esther

The happy parents, Viviane and Simon

Mindi had a chance for a cuddle, too!
Momma Dimbo admiring Amaria with love
Dear Amaria,
I have cared for you since you were born. Yes I carried you before you were born. I will be your God throughout your lifetime, until your hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.
Your loving Father,
Isaiah 46:3-4
Cher Amaria,
J'ai pris soin de vous depuis votre naissance. Oui je vous ai portés avant votre naissance. Je serai votre Dieu tout au long de votre vie, jusqu'à ce que vos cheveux sont blancs avec l'âge. Je vous ai fait et je vais prendre soin de toi. Je vais vous porter et vous sauver.
Votre Père aimant,
Esaïe 46:3-4
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